Working Meditation

Working Meditation

Emma and Rev. Meido pour concrete on a work day.

Monks, congregation, friends and neighbors love to offer working meditation together, at the Wallowa Buddhist Temple.

Working meditation is the willingness to do what needs to be done, wholeheartedly!

Far beyond just getting things done, working meditation means putting the mind of meditation into action, living from the heart of compassion, love, and wisdom — without expectations, and for the benefit of all beings.

When we are fully present in all that we do, we all benefit from the work we offer.

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Ernie helps build the Retreat Guest House.

Working meditation means taking care.

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Rev. Clairissa moves a load of donated horse manure,
with help from a Ford 1700 tractor
on long-term loan from temple friends.
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Nancy and Leigh gather bucked rounds in the temple forest during an autumn workday.
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Erin and Nancy enjoy binning up leftovers
after the Indian Dinner fundraiser at the lake.

Working meditation is a joyous offering.

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Leigh and Sharon clear trail together on temple grounds on a May workday.

Working meditation is good, hard work!

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A community workday
pouring concrete foundation walls for the Wallowa Buddhist Temple’s Retreat Guest House.

Working meditation is an opportunity to bring the helpful heart of willingness to all activity.

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A volunteer sweeps up the dining hall
after a fundraiser dinner at the lake.
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A temple meal offering:
the result of many hands offering work!
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Daniel and Rev. Meido clear dead branches from the temple forest.
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Patti enjoys her job shelling peas during her retreat.

Working meditation is the living embodiment of kindness.

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Rev. Clairissa working in the temple kitchen.
Photo by Ruth Scott.

Working meditation is a natural expression of selfless generosity of spirit.

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Rev. Meido and Jan unpack a donated attic ladder to install.
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Retreat guests Ed and Clyde husking cardamon seeds for the temple kitchen
during a period of working meditation.

Working meditation sets the Buddha Nature in motion.