Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 101: Clearing the Way
Rev. Clairissa describes the ordinary practice within our Sōtō Zen tradition of sweeping pathways clear of debris. Just as we do this and other simple activities with presence and care, so may we clear the way for ourselves to do the spiritual work within the heart – thus helping to clear the way for all…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 100: Finding the Way
Rev. Clairissa points out that when we open to being honest with ourselves as to how we may be doing harm, and take refuge in the heart of the Precepts within, the way to true peace and freedom appears naturally.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 99: Cherishing All Life
In light of our intention to help beings, which is at the heart of the Three Pure Precepts, Rev. Clairissa considers a facet of the first of the Ten Great Precepts, the guideline on not killing. She explores the daily practice of sparing tiny bugs who cross our path. She looks at how to be…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 98: All Things Become Buddha
Rev. Clairissa looks at the Buddha Nature of material things. She invites us to reflect on how we are with the things that surround us in everyday life. It’s wonderful to work for the good of all sentient beings. How might we help non-sentient things, as well? How might the non-sentient help us to see…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 97: What is Buddha Nature?
“What is Buddha Nature?” Rev. Clairissa responds to this and two other helpful questions that were posed this past week by some of our friends near and far.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 96: Why Train?
“Why Train?” Rev. Clairissa considers how it can help to ask ourselves this question, at times. When considering taking up a practice, when first setting out on the path, or when the going gets rough, it may be of use to reflect on our motivation for doing our spiritual practice. She offers a glimpse of…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 95: Stories
In this Dharma talk titled “Stories,” Rev. Clairissa reflects on how stories of various kinds may be of benefit in our spiritual training, and how they may also become impediments, depending on what we do with them as they arise. She tells us a story or two, as well.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 94: Friendship
Rev. Clairissa explores the offering of great Love in the form of friendship toward oneself and others. Recounting the words of the Buddha to his followers on this topic, she considers how good friendship functions as both the source and fulfillment of our practice.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 93: Other Than They Are
In the Dharma talk titled “Other Than They Are” Rev. Clairissa explores the conditional mind frame, the one in which we wish things were somehow not as they are. She reminds us of how we may live from our place of stillness which neither grasps nor pushes away things as they are.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 92: Waiting Is Awakening
In “Waiting is Awakening,” Rev. Clairissa looks at what it can be to wait wholeheartedly, and also what the offering of such a way of waiting has to do with our realization of enlightenment.