Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 25: Blessings
“Blessings” is a reflection on the recognition of Buddha Nature through the giving and receiving of blessings, in ceremonial and in daily life. Rev. Clairissa explores opening the heart to seek and to offer the beneficial within all situations and in all things.
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 24: Refuge Within the Storm
In this season of sudden summer storms, Rev. Clairissa reflects on finding our still center within the ever-changing cycles of existence, through how we view the arising of conditions within us and around us — finding “Refuge Within the Storm.”
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 23: Silver Mists
“Silver Mists” is on practicing with the seventh of the Ten Great Precepts: “I will not be proud of myself and devalue others,” most especially when we feel cut off from others. Exploring thought patterns from Emily Dickenson’s short poem “The bee is not afraid of me” and the story of Paveyya the ascetic from…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 22: Letting Go is Holding Gently
In “Letting Go is Holding Gently” Rev. Clairissa considers how we may approach “letting go” in Buddhist practice. She suggests some ways to move beyond ideals of “letting go,” toward a deeper stillness within, in the living of real life. The article quoted, “Every-minute Meditation” by Rev. Master Daizui MacPhillamy, sets out a step-by-step approach…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 21: True Contentment
In “True Contentment” Rev. Clairissa responds to a written question received this past week from the congregation as to the distinction between “complacency” and “contentment” in our spiritual work. She looks at the opportunity for training with the arising of a klesha (or spiritual impediment) by seeing the Buddha Nature in all things. Below is…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 20: As Long As It Takes
On the occasion of Festival of Kshtigarbha Bodhisattva, Rev. Clairissa explores the heart of Kshtigarbha (Chinese Dìzàng 地藏 and Japanese Jizō 地蔵). This helpful Bodhisattva is an exemplary being on the path to Buddhahood. As an aspect of our own heart, Kshtigarbha embodies the willingness to stand ready throughout time to help all beings find…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 19: Becoming One With Deepest Wisdom
In “Becoming One With Deepest Wisdom” Rev. Clairissa looks at the example of The Sainted Nagyaarajuna, the fourteenth ancestor in our Sōtō Zen lineage, whose festival day falls in the coming week. She explores how we each may open our human mind to transcend the limitations of dualistic thinking, becoming one with deepest wisdom of…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 18: To Become An Iron Being
It is time for the yearly Festival of Achalanatha, the Bodhisattva also known as Fudō Myō-ō in Japanese, and Bùdòng Míngwáng in Chinese (不動明王). In “To Become An Iron Being” Rev. Clairissa offers reflections on how the Immovable Dharma Protector, Achalanatha, helps us do the work within the heart through a blazing example of compassionate…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 16: As An Unsullied Stream Is Clear 06-28-20
Rev. Clairissa explores what can be learned from the imagery and properties of water – in scriptures, in our world and in our bodies – offering a contemplative approach to written Buddhist teaching in daily practice. The title of the talk “As An Unsullied Stream Is Clear” is a phrase found in the Sandōkai, a…
Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 14: Bright Clarity 06-14-20
THE TEN GREAT PRECEPTS In “Bright Clarity” Rev. Clairissa explores how our practice of Serene Reflection Meditation and living from the heart of the Buddhist Precepts are intertwined, and inherently known to all beings. She begins by reading some verses from an early Chan (Zen) Dharma poem, the Mòzhào míng, the teaching of 12th century…