Serene Reflections Podcast Episode 108: I Vow to Realize It

Rev. Clairissa completes her series of reflections on the four Bodhisattva Vows with the fourth and final vow, which reads “However infinite the Buddha’s Truth is, I vow to realize it.” Exploring the connection between the four Bodhisattva Vows and the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, her reflections illuminate both sets of four in the process.

For those who are just encountering the Buddha’s teaching as well as for those who have been walking the path for some time, she offers clarification on our purpose for practicing Buddhism. The Bodhisattva Vows:

However innumerable beings may be, I vow to save them all,
However inexhaustible the passions may be, I vow to transform them all,
However limitless the Dharma may be, I vow to comprehend it completely,
However infinite the Buddha’s Truth is, I vow to realize it.